Family Devotional Books
When we lived in Johannesburg and our kids were growing up, we started trying to figure out good ways to teach them and share family devotional time. We had written and collected a good number of devos and contacted a publisher to see if they would be interested in a book. At the same time we had been working on the idea in Africa, DPI had been collecting some great devos written by disciples in the United States. Tom and I had the privilege of editing the first volume of "As For Me and My House" while we were living in South Africa.
Later, after we moved back to the United States, we wrote the second volume, focusing more on devotionals for older kids and the issues they encounter as they grow up and mature. The original publisher, DPI, is no longer in business, but both volumes of "As For Me and My House" are available at
Family devotional times helped us build some great family memories. I loved it when Kati was little and always played the Holy Spirit - wondering around while we talked with Nick! Later on I loved the look of wonder on their faces when they tried to figure out how Tom made the water soaked logs catch on fire when we learned about Elijah on Mount Carmel. We loved to sing together and to act out stories from the Old and New Testaments. Family devotionals were fun times. Lots of laughter and lots of learning along the way. They helped us teach great lessons in positive ways so we didn't have to continually correct the kids (or ourselves - after all, they are "family" devotionals). We tried to focus more on solutions than problems and the devotionals were a good tool for us.